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Breast Implants and Recovery: What You May Not Know
You know that there are benefits to getting breast implants, as well as risks. But there are some interesting points about the recovery and recuperation from having augmentation that you may not be aware of. In fact, the things that you do not know may surprise you.
After the surgery, you are going to feel groggy and not like yourself at all. You will be sent home with various types of medication. You will need plenty of rest and your chest may be wrapped up, or you may have to wear a special surgical bra as you heal. You must have someone waiting at the hospital to drive you home.
Another one of the recuperation surprises that you may not be aware of is that the discomfort you experience following the procedure is dependent upon where the cosmetic surgeon places the breast implants. If they are placed on top of the pectoral muscle, the pain following the operation should last no longer than a day. On the other hand, the pain that accompanies an under the muscle placement will take anywhere from two to three days to subside. The reason for this is because the plastic surgeon has to lift up the pectoral muscle in order to create the pocket for the implant.
Shortly after having the cosmetic surgery procedure, your bosom may feel engorged. Some women report a sensation similar to the feeling of having milk fill their glands after they have given birth. Generally speaking, it is a feeling of swelling and pressure. The engorged feeling could stay around for approximately a week before it goes away.
After having breast implants, you will have some bruising and swelling in the area of the incision. The majority of both (approximately 80 percent of it) should be gone after the first two to two and a half weeks. The rest of it can take anywhere from two to four months to completely go away. They will both show signs of improvement but may be around for longer than you wish, during your recovery period.
It takes awhile for healing and the complete recuperation of the chest to take place. Some women find themselves disappointed when they get their first look at their new and improved breasts. What you need to realize is that it takes time for the breast implants to settle into the right position. Your first look is not what the final outcome will be!
It takes a few months to see the accurate results of the breast implants. If your chest looks like it is too high on your body, or the shape seems off, rest assured that this will change in time.
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Breast Implants and Recovery: What You May Not Know