Archive for the ‘Weight Loss Surgery’ Category

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By Pete Malcolm
Many people are looking for a proven method to lose a large amount of body mass. The method that they may need to consider is slim band surgery. This surgery can reduce the size of a person’s stomach which will make a person want to eat smaller amount of food. The band goes around the upper part of the stomach, dividing it into two sections. This band is a hollow ring and can be filled with saline solution to decrease the opening in the stomach which can give a fuller feeling faster than what a person would normally still be eating.
After the surgery a person will notice as lose weight, but it will be in a healthy manner rather than a crash diet. This method of weight loss should keep the weight off because the person will also learn to eat in smaller portions which can prove to be helpful for the stomach and that can result in keeping the weight off. In fact this is one of the most proven methods for an obese person to lose weight and keep it off.
Before getting this surgery done a person will need to have some preparation. Here are some tips that can help in preparing for the surgery.
1. One of the most important things to do before the procedure is to learn as much as possible about the procedure . This can be done by talking to your doctor, people that have had the surgery and even on the Internet. This way a person can prepare for the possible side effects, what they should be doing in advance of the surgery, and even how long they can expect to be laid up after having the surgery done.
2. At times a person may learn that they are going to have to avoid certain items. Some of those could even be medication that they are taking, but a person should consult with a doctor to ensure they are stopping the proper things.
3. Smoking or drinking can increase the chance of complications from the surgery. However, by stopping these two weeks before the procedure you will notice that the complication risk can be reduced.
4. The procedure will not take long to complete and you will typically go home that same day. However, you need to have someone available to drive you home to ensure that you do not have any complications that were unforeseen.
5. Ensure that you have all the medications that you will need during the recovery period. The medicine should be close to you and that will help you in getting to them without straining yourself. You will also need to remember that you will not be able to engage in any strenuous work for 6 weeks, but after three weeks you may be able to start with your normal activities. Just make sure that you follow the doctor’s advice on this aspect to ensure success of the surgery.
6. A person should also be wearing loose fitting clothing the day of the surgery and during recovering. Doing this is going to avoid having anything aggravate the site where the doctor made the incision.
7. Eating the correct food is going to be important and a person’s doctor will probably set them up on a diet plan that they can do. It is also important to take care of anything that will require physical activities before the surgery, such as exercising, hair cuts, or shopping. These activities will have to be stopped during the recovery.
Slim band surgery is a great way for many people to lose the excess weight that they have. However, it is surgery and that means that it may have some risks. However, as with any surgery a person needs to be prepared for the surgery properly to ensure they have a great recovery period.
About the Author: Searching online for information about the lap band surgery or slim band? Then check out
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Gastric bypass decreases the size of the stomach and causes food to bypass the smaller intestine. Appetite will be greatly reduced because of the decreased size of the stomach, a new stomach roughly the size of a fist is separated from the rest of the stomach, this stomach is directly connected to the middle part of the small intestines from where food is absorbed normally by bypassing the small intestines and changing the route many of the nutrients and calories are not easily absorbed.
This procedure can be done laparoscopically through many incisions a laparoscope is inserted into the stomach through these incisions. It can also be done through an open surgery by making one large incision. Hence this surgery makes significant changes to your digestive system by reducing the amount you eat or by reducing the body’ absorption of nutrients.
This procedure is eligible for patients who are severely obese having a BMI of 35 or above along with related co morbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea and cardiovascular diseases. They are seen as a last resort to minimize the risks and damage of obesity. It is advisable to perform this surgery only if other methods of weight loss such as dieting and exercise have not worked out.
It is the most commonly performed bariatric surgery in the United States. Many surgeons consider bariatric surgery to be safer because there are lesser risks and complications involved as compared to other weight loss surgeries.
There are two steps in a gastric bypass surgery the first step is dividing the stomach into two unequal parts using staples the next step would be to connect a small part of your intestine to a small hole in your pouch.
The patient before going in for the surgery has to do an adequate medical checkup so that the doctor can assess and judge whether the patient does not have pre existing problems that will affect his ability to make any changes to his/her diet and lifestyle in the long term.
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions in many affluent, Western countries such as America these surgeries offer a cure to many severely obese patients; however weight loss surgeries do not provide an instant cure to obesity and patients have to make permanent changes in their lifestyle in accordance with strict dietary guidelines. Patients have to eat only liquids and soft foods initially and completely avoid foods that are high calorie and a strain on the digestive system. A gastric bypass surgery
brings in a lot of change and difference to a person’s life as not only is it not only improves one’s appearance but also increases mobility and keeps life threatening ailments away.
Article describes the benefits, advantages and positive changes that a gastric bypass surgery offers to severely obese patients.
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Very few people actually realize the importance of good dental health in time. This is the reason cavities and decay are still the main cause of premature tooth loss in both children and adults. In case you are having a tooth decay problem, you will need a dentist to have a look at the teeth early enough as this could save your natural tooth. Here are some important things that you need to know about the process of getting a Root Canal in Chicopee MA.
What dental anomalies are restored by getting a root canal?
You can get a root canal procedure performed when any of the following problems happen:
* When you have cavities. Cavities that have reached and exposed the pulp cavity lead to bacterial infections that cause a lot of toothache. These bacteria are very destructive as it can spread the decay to the gums and the tooth root. The root canal procedure involves removing all the infected tissue and sealing the tooth to make sure that further infection does not occur.
* When you have a fractured tooth: When a tooth gets a fracture, its structure is compromised greatly. As a result, the tooth will be susceptible to decay. A root canal procedure will help save the tooth and protect it from further damage.
How is the procedure carried out?
* The first step involves the normal consultative meeting where the dentist will have a look at the affected teeth and determine whether the tooth should get a root canal.
* The other step will be setting up a date for the procedure. During the procedure, the dentist will sedate the patient if they have dental phobia. The sedative helps with relaxation. They will also use local anesthesia to numb the pain around the tooth.
* The dentist will expose the pulp cavity and remove all the rotting and infected tissue. This will leave a gap in the tooth. The dentist will use filler for this gap.
* The next part of the process is sealing the tooth to protect it from further damage. A crown will be put in place to stop any further damage.

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By Chris Johansen
Adolescence is a very turbulent period in life where one transitions from being a kid to an adult. There are so many changes, physically, emotionally and mentally, happening at the same time that it is hard to comprehend. Most undergo an identity crisis where they try to understand who they are. To cope, teens often seek support from friends and family and strive to be accepted. While they are open to positive reinforcement, they are also vulnerable to a lot of negativity like negative body image. Presently, the media bombards people with impossible and unnatural images of beauty that forces most people to try to fit themselves in.
This is why a lot of teenagers suffer from eating disorders in attempts to be accepted. And while losing weight is generally healthy, the process that they undergo to become skinnier is actually doing more damage. They key in achieving long-term and healthy weight loss for teens is to accept their bodies first. Here are some losing weight tips for teens.
Teens should lose weight for the right reasons. It is extremely hard to lose weight and keep it off if the current mindset is that they are ugly while they still have the extra pounds. Healthy weight loss will take some time and if someone thinks they are unattractive or unacceptable during this time, their social, school and family life will suffer. They will also experience a dip in self-esteem. It is important to lose weight for health and personal reasons. Disregard what other people say about how you should look because if you start with a negative body image, you can be 20 lbs lighter but still hate your body.
Understand that the process of healthy weight loss takes time and discipline. A lot of teens undergo extreme measures, like starvation, just to achieve their ideal body in the shortest amount of time. And while this may work for some, this will backfire in the long run. The things you do for a healthy weight loss are things that you can commit to doing for the rest of your life. This can be as simple as eating more vegetables than white bread or brisk walking for thirty minutes in the morning.
As part of effective losing weight tips for teens, it is important to understand that your body is undergoing a lot of changes and you are still developing. Do not be discouraged if you do not see results right away even if you have been eating healthier and more active. Even the scale does not tell you that you are lighter your body is experiencing a lot of the benefits of your healthier lifestyle.
While having a leaner and slimmer body is great, it is not the only gauge of a healthy lifestyle. Exercise increases the production of dopamine, or the ‘feel good’ hormones, in your body. Eating healthy will give you glowing skin, stronger hair and teeth. Even if you do not fit into the smallest dress size, a healthy lifestyle will allow you to look and feel your best. These losing weight tips for teens aim to help you adapt a healthier lifestyle altogether.
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Submitted by: Wendi Lyn Jensen
West Bountiful, Utah October 8, 2008 Independent reps with MyO3World, a new company under the umbrella of ForeverGreen, are turning into matchmakers. While they are not building relationships in the normal sense, they are hooking people up with a new weight management tool destined to bring happiness for the long haul.
Weight management has been an issue for decades. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey states that about two-thirds of adults in the United States are overweight, and almost one-third are obese. And according to the Department of Surgery, Harvard Medical School, obesity is a rapidly increasing, worldwide epidemic. People are turning to invasive and costly procedures such as gastric bypass surgery. An estimated 200,000 gastric bypass surgeries were performed in the United States in 2007. With each surgery averaging $25,000, that is more than $5 billion spent on trying to restrict or decrease stomach capacity.
Introducing FORM , a safe, non-invasive option! FORM is a capsulated polymer-based gastric bulking agent that is completely biologically inert. The body does not react negatively or positively to it. It is just there . It is 99.995% pure and is made from components we have been consuming for years in such things as Jell-o, puddings, and sauces. When taken with water, thirty minutes before eating a meal, this little capsule bulks to 500 times it s size and fills the space in your stomach making you eat less, creating a much easier way to restrict or decrease stomach capacity without turning to surgery. With FORM a person, on average, eats 40% less.
The bottom line for most people is if they eat less, they weigh less. The body does not create fat out of nothing. If the stomach capacity is restricted the result is a message of satiety being sent to the brain after far less food has been consumed. Portion control is considered the healthiest and most biologically natural and effective method of weight management. FORM is the necessary tool to help anybody stop overeating.
There are so many diet plans and programs out there. This one is set apart from all of them, due to it s simplicity. A person does not have to change their entire life, follow a specific plan, or even count calories. Using FORM just works. Use it, eat less, and lose the weight. The hardest part about using this product seems to be containing the excitement that seems to be inevitable. As the pounds start coming off, people are just unable to keep it to themselves. The word is spreading very quickly.
FORM is going to change everything in the weight management industry. By taking FORM , a person will have a real tool to help satisfy hunger and regain control over portions. Combined with a healthier lifestyle that includes nutrition and exercise, living well will be attainable for all. Being overweight will be a thing of the past for all those truly searching for a solution. Portion control in a capsule is a match made in heaven for all wanting to gain control of their weight.
About the Author: Former Note Broker, Wendi Lyn Jensen, became an independent distributor with MyO3World in July 2008. As an independent rep she is educating people about weight loss and helping people regain control. And she is happy to do it one person at a time. Please call 801-725-5386 or
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